

Junior Achievement Foundation

Convexia, its partners, associates and staff actively participate in the Junior Achievement Foundation, an international educational foundation, whose mission is to awaken, generate and develop the entrepreneurial spirit in young people, allowing them to achieve their achievements and goals in a responsible and free framework.

We also belong, individually, to the foundation’s Sponsors Club through which courses in low-income schools are sponsored.

For more information go to
Fundación Garrahan

Convexia, its partners, associates and staff actively participate in the Junior Achievement Foundation, an international educational foundation, whose mission is to awaken, generate and develop the entrepreneurial spirit in young people, allowing them to achieve their achievements and goals in a responsible and free framework.

We also belong, individually, to the foundation’s Sponsors Club through which courses in low-income schools are sponsored.

Among other fundraising campaigns, the Hospital Foundation collects paper, plastics and brass keys.

All used and discarded paper, which on the other hand we treat is the minimum necessary in pursuit of an environment suitable for our lives, is collected in containers provided by the Foundation.

For more information go to

Solidarity campaigns with specific humanitarian destinations

We sponsor tournaments and sports competitions in favor of public welfare institutions as we have done with the Providencia Foundation or the María Madre de la Iglesia Parish in the town of Pablo Nogués, Province of Buenos Aires.

We carry out periodic solidarity collections to collaborate with low-income educational establishments, such as donating supplies and toys for the Jesus Eucharistic Chapel in the town of Pablo Nogués, Province of Buenos Aires.

Year after year, through our work team and with proposals that they themselves bring to the management, we select those projects with which we can collaborate and offer our solidarity.


      Datos personales
      Estas y algunas otras preguntas será necesario responder para que nuestra gerencia realice una oferta de servicios ajustada a sus requerimientos de administración:

      ¿Cuál es el negocio que su compañía desarrolla o desarrollará en Argentina?

      ¿Es un emprendimiento local o extranjero?

      ¿Es una empresa productiva, solo comercializadora o prestadora de servicios?

      ¿Qué segmento de mercado es el suyo?

      ¿En qué zona del país desarrolla o desarrollará sus negocios?

      ¿Qué magnitud de cantidad de operaciones de compras realiza o prevé para su empresa?

      ¿Y de ventas?

      ¿Con cuántos bancos opera o considera operar?

      ¿Utiliza o utilizará un sistema informático administrativo contable propio o se podrá adaptar al nuestro?

      ¿Considera tener nómina propia de personal?

      ¿Requerirá de un servicio completo o segmentado?

      ¿En caso de ser segmentado, podría por favor informarnos cuáles serían?

      ¿Requerirá de servicios para legales?

      ¿Cuenta o contará Ud. con un asesor legal en Argentina?

      Preferentemente completar todos los datos para una mejor presupuestación